Professional Coaching

Get professional coaching online and in person for all your strength and throwing needs now!

Coaching Products & Services

In Person Strength Coaching

In Person Throws Coaching

Online Throws Coaching

Online Strength Coaching

Benefits of Coaching

Having an experienced coach and eye to help guide you through your training journey will greatly speed up your learning process while minimizing mistakes. As well as a definitive plan based upon a logical model of progression and learning. This will enhance the results you obtain from the work you put into your goals and aspirations.

I look forward to helping you in your training!

-Travis Gudeman


My mission is to help others in their journey to greater strength and power to increase their performance in life and sports. What I offer is not for the faint of heart or the uncommitted; success takes lots of time, hard work, and consistency. I will help guide you but the work is up to you. My specialties are in barbell training and throws coaching using methods that make the most efficient and productive use of time without any BS. 

Check Out My Youtube Channel!

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